Monday, May 29, 2006

Dr. W or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mesclun Greens...

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a very cynical being. Don't know if that's due to being the daughter of a Philosophy Professor and a Lawyer or if it's just innate to my personality. Whatever. I am a VERY cynical person. So when my Mom went on another diet, I didn't have much hope for it's success. My Mom has an iron will, don't get me wrong. She's a strong but extremely loving person. But I look at diets the way one would look at being tortured in a third world country: By the third day, no matter how strong you are, you break.

Mom's on year two of the South Beach Diet and doing fine, thank you.

I'm a large woman. My Grandmother was large too. And for a while, my Mom, though frustrated about it, was large as well. Genetics, I figure, played a part in my shape. I am a logical, reason-centered person. Except when sleep deprived... and as a mom, myself, that tends to happen rather more frequently that I would like these days. Nevertheless.... I believe in the scientific method. PLUS I have worked in the book industry long enough to know how many diet books penned by doctors come out each year and how many are refuted within months by other, just as reputable, doctors. In short, I just don't trust'em. No sir.

Have I mentioned that Mom's on year two successfully, thank you? Well she is.

OK, so I'm gonna concede this one. Where once, J and I would not, would not in a box , would not, would not with a fox, now we are going to try it. Look out low-fat dairy products, here we come.

We'll let you know how it goes....

Photo Courtesy of

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