I am a huge anglophile.
There it is.
I both love and laugh at most things British.
I mean, seriously, how can you not laugh at a culture that actually names one of it's towns "Little Wallop"? (Now, I realize as I write this that I live mere kilometers away from a place called Kapuskasing.)
I have an addiction (shall I call it?) to a bevy of wonderful British actors. ( I'm not including the word 'actress'... as the saying goes "I am an actor not an actress. Have you ever heard of a Doctress??")
So, I'm including on the right, some links to some gorgeous men and women (really... seriously drool-worthy). They are extremely talented yet very under-rated actors whose work is worth checking out if you haven't already done so.
The hottie at the top of this post is Toby Stephens. Do yourself a favour and DON'T rent Die Another Day. Uuuuggggh. Bad writing, though nice view of Toby with a sword. But by all means, check out the current version of Jane Eyre.
Now, I'm not usually a Bronte-aholic... Charlotte and Emily write a little too OTT for me but the screenplay by Sandy Welch is amazing.... She's a talented writer who tends to adapt literature extremely well. Her recent version of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell is a testament to her skills.
Toby brings a lightness to Rochester most actors ignore. Rochester is written as having a certain twinkle in his eye and Toby plays that wonderfully. Usually, Rochester is portrayed merely as brooding. Nice to see the different interpretation.
Toby can also be seen in another Bronte story, Anne's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Kinda interesting that the closer in age to Branwell the Bronte sister was, the more violent and schmucky the romantic hero in the story. Coincidence? I think not.
Also check out The Chamomile Lawn (gotta love a writer who discovers her ability in her seventies! You go Mary Wesley!) and the latest version of Twelfth Night. Though it is a couple years old, it's star studded and worth the viewing.

I must just be in a ginger phase because I have a major thing going for Damian Lewis right now too. He's the cutie reading the cookbook on the right. Though most North Americans know him from Band of Brothers, check out, if you can get hold of it, Shakespeare Retold and enjoy Much Ado About Nothing. Incidentally, my admiration also extends to his leading lady in that production, Sarah Parish. Firstly, LORD! that woman is sexy! And secondly, wow, what a performance! Maybe it's that kinda Jean Arthur air about her: cynical but fun.
Damian also played the lead in Keane. Now there's a wonderful performance. In many ways it reminded me of Mike Leigh's Naked. Powerful.
So enjoy the pictures here and check out the fansites. These are actors worth following.
And they're yummy too!
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