Sooooo... it's the middle of August, hot as Hades and I'm riding the 5pm bus across St. Clair with my 6 year old and all his camp gear (the streetcars have taken a little break... they're getting brand new tracks with no cars allowed on'em). The bus is old (read: no air conditioning) and packed to the gills (read: hotter than hotter than Hades because of the extra bodies) and then it happens. Someone vacates a window seat and the person in the corresponding aisle seat does NOT move over to make room for another person. So what happens now is that the seat by the window is empty and everyone on this bus is far too Canadian (read: polite) to ask the Schmuck in the aisle seat to move over.
Now Schmuck gets his own private Idaho of space.
Classic passive aggressive behaviour.
I've noticed that this is a trend and, as I'm sure is evident by now, it pisses me off. Wee Monster and I have had lots of talks about this... he doesn't understand why adults behave so selfishly and frankly, neither do I.
C'mon people. You know that the nice thing to do is take the window seat and make room for the next person. Don't give us The Hairy Eyeball and then make us step over your toes with all our crap and make US apologize!
Move on over, make room for the next person. Be NICE! We're all tired in that hot, stinky bus together!
People even try to bogart space this way on empty buses... like they need the extra space!
Be nice, be adult, suck it up and shift your butt!
I'm done.
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