You know those 'get to know you' email quizzes? When I get to the ' Favourite sport to watch?' question, I usually answer Masterpiece Theatre.
But, damn! I'm getting into this soccer thing. ( I apologize if you're European and reading this... I'd call it Footy but I just don't want it confused with American Football....)
J and I have been watching the World Cup and MY GOD it's exciting! I loved watching the Swiss face off against the Ukrainians. Both teams showed immense sportsmanship and skill. And when we watched the Italian Team face off against the Ukrainians...I had never seen footwork that fancy. Watching the Italians play was like watching the late Greg Hines tap his way across Broadway!
The Portugal/England quarter final game was a nail biter! The British team and fans were so upset at the end, but really, it was an amazing performance and with only 10 players on the field for most of it, they should be really, really proud. I have to admit I was cheering for both sides on that one. My anglophile nature wanted Britain to win but I live in a Portuguese neighbourhood and, I gotta tell you, I love listening to the partying ( which is happening even as I write this!)
Next up, Brazil and France. I've got divided loyalties on that one too. But I know I'll enjoy the match whichever way it goes....
Awww, you posted a footie picture of the Bean.
Don was bugging me yesterday 'cause I had the England game on in the background. When it went to penalty kicks, I just knew England would fold like a house of cards, but I tried to hope.
Go Portugal!
Hmmmm. I've been rooting for France, for some God unknown reason. I haven't even been watching. Perhaps its because Henri and Susan live over there, I dunno. I'm not even French. But I must say, this year world attention on the game seems even more intense than usual....hell, even YOU'RE watching!!!
Go France!
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