The person I've been most impressed with in all of this World Cup Mania has been Zinedine Zidane. I really believe that the reason that France made it to the finals was because of him. He's a strong player: wise and fast as well as a damn good penalty kicker. (Forgive me if I'm wrong here. I am after all new to this soccer thing, but Zidane kept cleaning up after Ribery... How did Frank make the team? Thank Poop they kept sending in Govou instead! )
In a game that had most players helping players of the opposing teams up from fouls and kicks and spills...What could possibly have been said to Zidane to make him give up his last game on the field, the last game of his career, for God's sake, in such a disgraceful way?
Was it the arm Materazzi had around his waist to hinder his movement? Hard to believe he would give up playing the World Cup simply for a potential foul....
Speaking as someone who's had a few nasty things uttered in her direction (a neighbour from my childhood who earned the nick-name The Nazi stands out in memory), ya just don't do it! Whatever was said, you move right on past it and play your guts out. You don't descend to the level of the aggressor.
What a shame.
Even 5 year old Mace talked about the player who had to sit on the stairs for a time-out to cool off....
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