J wakes up first, takes the Wee Monster to do his morning pish and then sends Wee Monster in to our room to wake me up bright and early at 7am. Let me tell you, there's no better alarm clock than an eager-to-play five year old. No snooze button there, Buddy. You also can't beat the hugs....
I then make the beds, pick out Mace's outfit for the day and lay it out for him to put on. J brews coffee for us and makes breaky for all.
I make sure all Mace's necessities are packed in his bag and ready to go to Camp or School and J checks the front porch for the inevitable newspaper that's waiting there.
Thing is, we don't pay for our newspaper. We don't want a daily. We don't get around to reading it so J and I thought about it and both decided we'd save a few trees and NOT subscribe to a daily paper.
The Toronto Star apparently doesn't or can't believe that we don't want a paper everyday and they keep sending it to us anyway. Whenever they call and ask us (and it's frequent, those calls) if we'd like to get their paper on a daily basis we tell them: We don't want a daily, we get (and pay for) the weekend edition, thank you, and could you please take us off the free subscription list. Really. Please? They say OK. We are without the paper for a week or two and then SURPRISE! It's back.
What I'm wondering is... Where's the incentive to pay? We get a free daily paper whether we want it or not.... Would they like us to pay to NOT deliver? That I'd consider....
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