M has some friends at school with really cool Mommies who have been very sweet and invited me into their homes and lives.
Three of us: me, O and E as well as all our kids (4 boys under 6 years old) went up to Washago to E's cottage for three days of rustic living and fun.
While I have to admit that I was very, no, make that extremely trepidatious about living without running water with two other women who barely know me and four boys who don't yet know how to clean their own tushies, I gotta say, Goddamn! What a good time.
For the whole 3 days the temperature hovered in the high 30's ( that's celsius, folks) with a humidex that made it feel like the high 40's. Hell, on Tuesday the temperature was 42 with a humidex of 50. We sweated profusely. We swam in lake Couchuching till we turned into raisins. We hugged and alternately yelled collectively at all our kids and we ate like royalty (Thanks to O, our russian goddess extraordinaire in all things... especially as a chef).
But mostly we talked.
About families, food, life, sex... everything. Three wonderful nights of discovery and bonding. I haven't done that since High School. These wonderful, intelligent women made me smile, cry and laugh. All of which became necessary as the trip progressed and all the boys got crankier and more tired....
Last night, after O and I had returned to the city with 3 of the boys in tow, E had to contend with one of the most severe storms cottage country (and, indeed, Toronto) has ever seen. In that small cottage made by her brother-in-law of pine from the area, E watched as a huge tree got struck by lightening and landed on her car. Thankfully, she and her son had just gotten out of the vehicle and were safe. This morning, after spending an hour sawing off the offending branch, she felt comfortable enough to call me for backup. She's a tough cookie, E, and she handled the situation brilliantly. Not sure I could have been as calm. Especially since she had to drive that busted car 2 hours in the solid rain all the way back to Toronto with her son and a very nervous, panting golden retreiver named Maisie.
I feel honoured.
1 comment:
Oh, that's marvellous Nad! Yes, its about time you went Wild Women Weekending (it gets better when the boys are teenagers and you can ditch them, or they'll ditch you, whichever comes first, and then you can really hit the Margharitas....) and more power to you!
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