Monday, July 17, 2006

Why buy the cow...?

Every morning, J and I have a routine that we follow.

J wakes up first, takes the Wee Monster to do his morning pish and then sends Wee Monster in to our room to wake me up bright and early at 7am. Let me tell you, there's no better alarm clock than an eager-to-play five year old. No snooze button there, Buddy. You also can't beat the hugs....

I then make the beds, pick out Mace's outfit for the day and lay it out for him to put on. J brews coffee for us and makes breaky for all.

I make sure all Mace's necessities are packed in his bag and ready to go to Camp or School and J checks the front porch for the inevitable newspaper that's waiting there.

Thing is, we don't pay for our newspaper. We don't want a daily. We don't get around to reading it so J and I thought about it and both decided we'd save a few trees and NOT subscribe to a daily paper.

The Toronto Star apparently doesn't or can't believe that we don't want a paper everyday and they keep sending it to us anyway. Whenever they call and ask us (and it's frequent, those calls) if we'd like to get their paper on a daily basis we tell them: We don't want a daily, we get (and pay for) the weekend edition, thank you, and could you please take us off the free subscription list. Really. Please? They say OK. We are without the paper for a week or two and then SURPRISE! It's back.

What I'm wondering is... Where's the incentive to pay? We get a free daily paper whether we want it or not.... Would they like us to pay to NOT deliver? That I'd consider....

Saturday, July 15, 2006

This Just In....

Cherry Beach Update: J and I are down 30lbs each! Losing at a rate of about 2 lbs a week right now. Nice and safe.YAY! Still eating and happy!

Soccer: Zizou, I still wish you hadn't headbutted Materazzi, Big Guy. BUT I also think Materazzi needs to sit on the stairs and think about what he did. Parenting 101 says both kids who lash out, physically and verbally, have to have a Time Out on the stairs ( aka: You're off the pitch for a few games there, Bucko!). Especially because Materazzi was clearly looking to provoke the response he got and get rid of the biggest threat from the pitch. No TV for a week and no dessert either for you, Materazzi!

Damn! Zizou's cute!

Shame on you, Marco!


I'm done.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Zizou, WHY?!?!?!!!

First, let me start by congratulating Italy. What a fine game they played! And they really deserved to win. They play a tight game. Grosso, Cannavaro and Buffon have my undying loyalty (not just because they play beautifully but also because they are, let's face it, not so hard on the eyes....) Gigi, should you ever read this poorly written blog, next time you find yourself in Toronto, the drinks are on me, honey. Fabulous goal tending. Amazing.

Now. I'm gonna soapbox.

The person I've been most impressed with in all of this World Cup Mania has been Zinedine Zidane. I really believe that the reason that France made it to the finals was because of him. He's a strong player: wise and fast as well as a damn good penalty kicker. (Forgive me if I'm wrong here. I am after all new to this soccer thing, but Zidane kept cleaning up after Ribery... How did Frank make the team? Thank Poop they kept sending in Govou instead! )


In a game that had most players helping players of the opposing teams up from fouls and kicks and spills...What could possibly have been said to Zidane to make him give up his last game on the field, the last game of his career, for God's sake, in such a disgraceful way?

Was it the arm Materazzi had around his waist to hinder his movement? Hard to believe he would give up playing the World Cup simply for a potential foul....

Speaking as someone who's had a few nasty things uttered in her direction (a neighbour from my childhood who earned the nick-name The Nazi stands out in memory), ya just don't do it! Whatever was said, you move right on past it and play your guts out. You don't descend to the level of the aggressor.

What a shame.

Even 5 year old Mace talked about the player who had to sit on the stairs for a time-out to cool off....

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Alright Mr. Bean. I get it....

I'm not a sports fan. I'm not even ashamed that as a Canadian, I have absolutely no idea how Hockey is played. I have no interest in it.

You know those 'get to know you' email quizzes? When I get to the ' Favourite sport to watch?' question, I usually answer Masterpiece Theatre.

But, damn! I'm getting into this soccer thing. ( I apologize if you're European and reading this... I'd call it Footy but I just don't want it confused with American Football....)

J and I have been watching the World Cup and MY GOD it's exciting! I loved watching the Swiss face off against the Ukrainians. Both teams showed immense sportsmanship and skill. And when we watched the Italian Team face off against the Ukrainians...I had never seen footwork that fancy. Watching the Italians play was like watching the late Greg Hines tap his way across Broadway!

The Portugal/England quarter final game was a nail biter! The British team and fans were so upset at the end, but really, it was an amazing performance and with only 10 players on the field for most of it, they should be really, really proud. I have to admit I was cheering for both sides on that one. My anglophile nature wanted Britain to win but I live in a Portuguese neighbourhood and, I gotta tell you, I love listening to the partying ( which is happening even as I write this!)

Next up, Brazil and France. I've got divided loyalties on that one too. But I know I'll enjoy the match whichever way it goes....